Custody and Support

Making Good Decisions By Putting Children First

At Glenn Robinson Cathey Memmer & Skaff PLC, we help our clients make good decisions during difficult times. The end of a relationship is an emotionally traumatic time for all involved, particularly children. They are witness to the end of their parents’ relationship. One household is becoming two.Making good decisions starts with prioritizing your children. You and your soon-to-be ex-spouse or significant other must focus on their best interests during the process of breakup. Two parents sitting down to negotiate initial custody and visitation agreements is ideal. Putting the decision in the hands of a judge means that you relinquish control over an important issue.

Helping You Make Good Decisions For Your Children

Child support in Virginia is based on strict formulas. Income and certain expenses are entered in a “calculator” which provides an amount for support.

Making An Uncertain Future More Certain

If you are a spouse who is focused on raising children, the end of a marriage creates emotional and financial uncertainty. Generally, spousal support has no specific formula associated with the process. The courts will make decisions based on your specific case and other statutory factors.

When it comes to child support, child custody and visitation, you are making key decisions regarding your children’s future. We will encourage you to continue that focus if child support enforcement or modifications become necessary.

The Need For A Skilled And Experienced Family Law Attorney

If you are facing child custody, visitation or support issues, schedule an initial appointment with an experienced Roanoke family law attorney at 540-685-0307 or fill out our intake form.